How to maintain the battery in flood conditions
Date : 2018-08-15
How to maintain the battery in flood conditions
Good tips for checking cars ... after the flood / drowning situation (electrical system)
  1. First, don't try to hurry to the engine. Cars that have just been removed from water or water are reduced from flooding. Engine Because the water in the engine makes the connecting rod with the valve push rod
  2. Do not put a bunch of lights to mount the engine. Cars that are newer than the 1989 or 1989 model will give the LA Turner, which is often referred to as the charger. And many electronic devices have been damaged in the car
  3. Before replacing the battery Or remove the battery to fill the light again and then use it Or can clearly say Connect the battery to the car again after the water has passed. Disconnect the fuse of the airbag system in order to not work up in this first phase. That the electrical circuit in the air bag system is grounded or shocked The air bag explodes like a work that can be used up just a thousand times.
  4. Normally when knowing that the car is drowning We should remove the power cord, lift the battery up high on the house first. If the battery is not drowning, it will run out of electricity before it can damage the short circuit current due to water. But when the water is dry, the circuit may be grounded When there is a current, short circuit, when Should immediately remove the battery cable as soon as the car is out of water If not, remove the batteries out of the way first Especially the car that accidentally dropped the water
  5. Now, when letting the device cycle dry Will release the fuse of the circuit that is confident before leaving, such as the airbag circuit, etc.
Battery inspection after flooding
  1. When the battery can be removed from the car, remove it immediately.
  2. Tighten the battery cover.
  3. Use detergent mixed water to clean the battery.
  4. Wipe dry with a dry cloth.
  5. Open the lid completely.
  6. See colors and distilled water levels in the battery.
    1. If distilled water is clear and in normal levels Bring the battery to compress the light.
    2. If distilled water is clear or opaque And the distilled water level is full Indicates that the battery has contaminated material inside should not be recycled To change the battery better
There are questions to ask. For car users who suffer from flooding problems
Best wishes From Yuasa Battery