Shareholder Information
1. Shareholder Information (To use for Annual General Shardholders Meeting')
Name List of Shareholders qualified for Company Visit
Invitation to the Annual General Shareholders Meeting 2024 and Attachment
Invitation to the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting 2024
Attachment 3 Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Year 2023
Attachment 4 Profile of Directors who are elected to be Director for another term
Attachment 5 Definition of an Independent Director
Attachment 6 Proxy Form B, details of the proxies and voting, and information of Directors nominated by the Company for the Shareholders to appoint as Proxy
Attachment 7 Articles of Association of the Company relating to the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting
Attachment 8 Practice Guidelines for the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting 2024
Attachment 9 Request Form for the Annual Report 2023 (hard copy)
Attachment 10 Map of the venue of the Shareholders’ Meeting
Attachment 11 Privacy notice for shareholders and proxy
Attachment 12 Registration form
Using right to propose the agenda of Shareholders Meeting and propose the qualified name list for consideration to be Director From
Minutes of the annual Ordinary Share
Minutes of Annual General Shareholders Meeting 2024
Minutes of Annual General Shareholders Meeting 2023
Minutes of Annual General Shareholders Meeting 2022
Minutes of Annual General Shareholders Meeting 2021
Minutes of Annual General Shareholders Meeting 2020
Minutes of Annual General Shareholders Meeting 2019
Minutes of Annual General Shareholders Meeting 2018
Minutes of Annual General Shareholders Meeting 2017
Minutes of Annual General Shareholders Meeting 2016
Minutes of Annual General Shareholders Meeting 2015
Minutes of Annual General Shareholders Meeting 2014
Minutes of 19th Annual Ordinary Shareholders Meeting 2013
Minutes of 18th Annual Ordinary Shareholders Meeting 2012
Minutes of 1st Extraordinary shareholders Meeting 2012
Minutes of 17th Annual Ordinary shareholders Meeting 2011
Minutes of 16th Annual Ordinary Shareholders Meeting 2010
Minutes of 15th Annual Ordinary Shareholder Meeting 2009
Form A
Form B
Form C
Form B (To be already filled agenda of AGM 2022)
    • Company Profile
    • Corporate Goal
    • Message from Chairman
    • Board of Directors & Executive
    • Board of Subcommittee
    • Organization Chart
    • Corporate Sustainability
    • Standard System
    • Shareholder Information
    • Structures of Business Group and Shareholding
    • Summary of Financial Statements Data
    • Annual Report
    • Financial Statements Data
    • SET Announcements
    • Investor Relations
    • Media Center
    • News & Activities
    • Knowledge
    • Warranty
    • EU Regulation & Safety