Message from Chairman
It’s my honour to be part of the management team as the Chief Executive Officer. I’m truly humbled by this opportunity. For more than 60 years, a growing number of employees have come to the Company to fulfill our Mission in becoming a battery manufacturer with quality and competitive cost.  This compelling Mission has guided our people to deliver meaningful products and services, contributing to the automotive ecosystem locally and regionally. To lead such an organization and its people is incredibly inspiring and a tremendous privilege.

I am grateful for the effort of the current and former executives and employees in executing strategies that led to the stable growth in the past decade. Given the compact size of the factory, it had been operating with efficiencies in various sections, thus enabling them to produce good quality parts and products and complete significant investment like the solar rooftop project. The Company had been steered past difficult time and situations such as the pandemic and geered towards sustainability. Together we will be building further on this foundation.

There are, however, several external factors that keep weighing on the Thai economy this year, including the volatile global economy and the geopolitical crisis that would cut demand and global trade. This is, therefore, a begin in one of the challenging times in a fast-changing, connected, and competitive environment. Of course, a strategy alone will not take us there. I believe in the strengths and capabilities of YUASA people, and my mission is to bring together those capabilities to create a strong driving force for the company, creating value for every stakeholder while focusing on sustainability and social impact. And I hope you will continue to follow and support us as we continue on this journey.  

Mr. Tsunenori  Yoshimura
Chairman of the Board of Directors (Acting)
June 25th, 2024

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